How To Make Fluffy Pancakes By Pappan’s Kitchen

How To Make Fluffy Pancakes


Make delicious and very easy Fluffy Pancakes at home, enjoy in breakfast or in light appetite.



Plain Flour…………………………1 Cup
Powder Sugar…………………….2 Tablespoon full
Oil…………………………………….2 Tablespoon
Milk…………………………………..1 Cup
Baking Powder……………………1 Teaspoon Full
Vanilla Essence…………………..Few Drops
Salt……………………………………..A Pinch



  1. Mix all the dry ingredients (sugar, plain flour and baking powder) in a bowl and sift them.
  2. Take a bowl, in which break an egg and beat the egg very well, then add 2 tablespoons of oil,  few drops of vanilla essence and a cup of lukewarm milk and mix well.
  3. Now add the sifted dry ingredients and a pinch of salt in the liquid batter and mix lightly hand.
  4. The batter is ready to make the Pancakes.
  5. Put a little oil in a pan, when the oil is hot add pancake batter, make the pancakes of your favourite size and fry on both sides on a very low flame.

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